संसारको सबै भन्दा बेस्ट डान्सर संग एउटा ४ बर्षको बालकले यसरी च्यालेन्ज दिएर संसारलाई चकित गराए ..हेर्नुहोस्..एक पटक (भिडियो सहित)

We people feel so happy to see children just doing a simple work. Whatever they does, we feel like they are doing a lot and we feel so happy to see them doing that. The way they talk, they dance and even they stand being just a statue doing nothing will entertain us.
Similarly, here in this video we see the child not just sitting, or doing whatever here he is challenging the best d@n*ger of the world and he has present himself so great and so amazing that will left you sho*cked. Even the questions might come like how can the small boy challenge the best dancer of the world.