कहा छन् राजा विरेन्द्रका नातिनीहरू ?के गर्दै छन र कस्तो अवस्थामा छन्....?पुरा पढ्नुहोस्......

Ex-crown Princess Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah had two daughters namely Girvani Rana and Surangana Rana. Girvani Rana is elder daughter born on 22nd, January of 1998 and younger daughter Surangana Rana was born on 2nd October of 2000. Girvani Rana was only three years old and Surangana Rana was only few months old when Princess Shruti Shah Rana was shot dead by her elder brother in an royal massacare. Both of them were raised by their father Kumar Gorakh Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana after death of Shruti Rana.
Princess Shruti Shah Rana with her two year old daughter Girwani Rana

Princess Shruti Shah Rana attending a function with her elder daughter Girwani Rana
Both of her daughters Girwani Rana and Surangana Rana are now currently studying in a school in Dehradhun, India staying in house of their close relative. Few years ago, Girwani Rana was spotted with her father Kumar Gorakh Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana at an art display event related to the royal family.
Princess Shruti’s husband and daughter Girwani Rana observing art in an event organized in Kathmandu.
See Also
The art display event was about Ex-Royal Family which brought tears in eyes of Girwani Shah and could be seen in the image above.
Father Kumar Gorakh Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana might had done his best to raise two beautiful daughters. He remained unmarried for almost a decade after death of Princess Shruti Shah Rana. He was also a victim of the royal massacare but survived and returned home after stay of few days in hospital. He got married again with daughter of Ex-prime minister Lokendra Bahadur Chand’s younger brother’s daughter few years back. He works in Standard Chatered Bank in Kathmandu.(source:meroarticle)